I was excited about the idea that I can carry it with me (a cute orange laptop bag was meant for that) write from wherever I want, even from bed ! It won't make noise as my desktop comp., so I can work even when my sister is sleeping, etc etc...
However as time passed, it transformed just to a desktop computer because smth happened to the battery and it stopped working without AC power. Then it was heating too much and even started burning my knees... then the heating caused damage of the Wi-Fi adapter and it also stopped working. I was desperately seeking a laptop cooling pad in Yerevan, but didn't succeed in finding it. Well, despite of these troubles it served quite well for me and I'm happy I had it :)

I couldn't wait until it arrived. So nice, so portable and smart!!! The only disappointment was that the Windows XP Home edition was already installed... in Russian language version :( I hate Russian language interface and i couldn't stand reading "Пуск" instead of "Start". The language can't be changed and the only option is to install new Windows...Well I got my license for Russian language since it was brought in Moscow :( However, I renamed all the icons and folder names and changed all other options to default English so I'm okay with it now.
pictured: my first computer, back from 1996
Then i started to transfer all my files from the previous laptop via wi-fi (luckily i have my own network at home). After that, I started to customize and personalize my new computer with the software i use, so this is a nice occasion to write down about some applications i'm using in case my recommendations would be useful to any of you.
- At first, i downloaded the browser. Chrome this time and no FF. Sorry Firefox fans, i don't want to struggle with hanging browser anymore! And I also installed the new Opera 10 as my second browser.
- Then i downloaded my favorite picture editor and viewer Picasa 3.5, that scanned all my pictures for its database.
- Then it came the time for Winamp. It's my preferred music player since 2001.
- After that i downloaded the last.fm scrobbler to continue scrobbling the tracks i listen on this computer too.
- Then it was the time for the video player and my choice is VLC.
- IMs. I downloaded Google talk client. Skype was pre-installed.
- KDWin to be able to switch between keyboard drivers for Russian and Armenian.
- Flashget as a download client.
- uTorrent as a torrent downloader.
- Activated Office 2007's 60 day trial to be able to use OneNote as my favorite note taking application.
- My favorite twitter client was Twitterfox plugin for FF, but since i don't have FF on my personal comp. anymore, I downloaded Tweetdeck, which I have used also before.
So... this is it! :)
Congrats Arpi! Բարով մաշես :)
I aslo like 1005HA (though, no the pink one ;) )
But Why, why one needs that buggy KDWin in 2009?
v nice Arpiné! congratulations for the new pinkie cutie notebook mean laptop!
since this my first time reading your blog here.. I wonder if your links color has been changed to pink after your new laptop.. really like it :)
Regarding to the installed softwares.. Well to be honest I didn't try the ones you already installed ( re to the music and video players as well as your torrent downloader) but in case you want to know my preferred ones
here they are:
iTunes for the music player ( I just love it.. maybe got used to it for a long time that's why)
powerDVD for the video player
and aaa eventuallyyy my lovely torrent downloader is... tam tam tatamm VUZE..!! love the UI of it and all the facilities it has! really worths checking!
congratulations again just hope you included the cooler in your package this time :)
Parov Kordzadzes!
I imagine you wrote this post after using a Mac, not a PC !!! ;)
Have you ever tried the Moblin? It's great for netbooks.
Congratulations! Good present for yourself on birthday!
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