It's been a long time since I was trying to write a proper intro text to my blog and something about me.
Finally I decided to focus on this and created this flow of words that can describe me for better or worse :)
So I am a...
PR & Marketing manager at the moment, Web 2.0 and social media competent, former website developer, pretty looking tech geek, polyglot wannabe, writer in dreams, ambitious blogger in reality, Italian at heart, curious photographer and award-winning movie maker in the past, active learner and exigent self-tutor, sentimental comedy/romance moviegoer, procrastination fighter and GTD-practitioner, 7-year experienced teacher and trainer, a used-to-be sacrificial AIESECer, cute dog owner, trying-to-find-a-soundtrack-for-my-life music listener, proud Armenian, enthusiastic tour guide and a passionate traveler, glamorous shoe addict and an incurable shopaholic, ineradicable perfectionist, life enjoying yogini, solar battery powered, intelligent truth-seeker and UFO believer, night sky romantic observer, gingerbread cookie baker and pizza-party organizer, a friend of all the nice people that I have met or I'm yet to meet.
upd. with a wordle:
That's true!!!
Great Arpine..I would like to know few more things from you if you dont mind..
1. What is the breed of the dog best suited for kids? (I want to gift to my young daughter who is just 3 years!)
2. Any interesting experience with UFO sighting? Thats one area I am also very much interested..
Anyway congrats for "Couple of words about you" It was lovely.
Have nice day
Hi rangarajan,
Thank you for your comment and nice words.
To your questions:
1. I'm not really an expert in dog breeds, but as from what i know with the experience with my Max, cocker spaniels are well suitable in living with kids. 1st they are not big in size, 2nd - they are very harmless and playful especially with kids.
2. As for UFO's, i wouldn't claim that I've seen any, but I was a sci-fi fan (X-files was my favorite show) had a strong interest in UFOs from childhood.
what an insanely lovely person ;) pleased to meet you
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