Nobody wanted it to happen this time of the year, but it happened as it happened :) and we have to wear something warmer during the first part (including the church ceremony) and then change it to something restaurant-friendly :)
I just came from their apartment, where they were getting ready - preparing the table, decorating rooms, the entrance etc :) and i saw my Gohar on her last eve of the unmarried life and at her current home.
The groom and his family will come and pick her up around 1pm and we'll head to the church. After the ceremony, the family goes to the groom's house and then at 5pm it's time for the great celebration in the restaurant :)
I guess this wedding will be according to Armenian traditions and you can expect colorful descriptions with photos from me soon. :)
here's the church "Surb Gayane" in Echmiadzin where the ceremony will take place tomorrow :)

This is the first wedding of such a close person to me and I'm very excited!
*Gone for nails, tomorrow I will be OFFLINE!!! :D
А я уже решил, что наконец-то :-)
Не-а! рано радуешься! :P
That church is gorgeous. It looks just like a castle! Where did they find something like that? Is there a regional site like, or was that how they found it? If you happen to know, thanks.
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